Emperor Servers

Download skins by Content Manager, possible?


Have a way to automatic download the skins on CM, using the ACSM V2?
By sample: if i update some skin on the server, automatic, download new skin on enter the server, using Content Manager.


It is possible to share content with Content Manager, although we don’t currently have a specific system for skins only. Having said that it is possible to share just the skins for a car by using the existing system:

  1. Make sure “Enable Content Manager Wrapper” is enabled on the Server Options page
  2. Go to Content → Cars and find/open the car you want to share skins for
  3. Upload your skins online somewhere (any file uploading service), using the main car folder structure (car_name/skins/). You don’t need to include the other car files, but you can if you want to and have permission to.
  4. Enter the link to this download in the “Download URL” on the car page, then click “Save Car Metadata”

Now drivers will be able to access the download link for each car used in the Content Manager description.

I know this isn’t exactly what you requested, but it is the workaround in ACSM for the time being. We will consider implementing the Content Manager skin sharing feature in the future.
