i have Emperor’s servermanager for AC and ACC and AMS2 running for several years without problems. Suddenly yesterday out of the blue, AC-servermanager was not able to register to the lobby:
time=“2024-09-22T20:57:13+02:00” level=error msg=“Could not: Register to lobby (attempt 8 of 10). Next attempt in: 8s” error=“Get "http://lobby.assettocorsa.net/lobby.ashx/register?(XXX-TruncatedXXX): dial tcp: lookup lobby.assettocorsa.net on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XX: server misbehaving”
i figured, there might be something wrong with the lobby server “lobby.assettocorsa.net” and would be temporary unavailable, but now i checked again, it is still not registering to the lobby-server.
i have rebooted the server. it is still joinable by invite-url via content manager, but it does show up at the lobby.
nothing was changed on portforwarding config on the router
any idea’s?