Auto Load Entry List from file location

We have a web site that generates the json entry list that can then be imported into server manager manually .

We would like to automate this process if at all possible so the web site exports the json file to the hosting server where server manager is running and when the server starts, if an entry list is found to be imported, this is loaded and used.


I believe this should be possible using the “Central Entry List Path” on the Server Options page of the Manager. With that path set you should be able to upload your entry list to the path, and then any event started should automatically use that Entry List.

There may be some scenarios in which the central path is not used, although we haven’t tested it since earlier versions of the ACC server so I can’t say for certain.

Full description of the option:

Can override the default entryList path “cfg/entrylist.json”, so multiple ACC servers on the machine can use the same entrylist (and custom car files). Set a full path like “C:/customEntryListSeriesA/”, where the entrylist is stored. Attention: The path seperators have to be slashes (/), backslashes () will not work.

I hope that helps, thanks!